It is a branch of medical science that examines the diseases of the brain, brain stem, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system and muscles in general, and includes treatment applications other than diagnosis and surgery.
Complaints of admission to neurology outpatient clinics are mainly; Headaches, dizziness, strokes, diseases with changes in consciousness (epilepsy = epilepsy, etc.), hand and foot numbness, various muscle weakness, movement disorders, cerebrovascular diseases, dementia, sleep disorders, low back and neck pain.
With the rapid developments in medicine, it has ceased to be a closed and limited branch and has been divided into sub-disciplines that require specialization such as epilepsy, movement disorders, cerebrovascular diseases, dementia, sleep disorders.
It progresses in all these fields with serious laboratory studies and a coordinated relationship with other branches of medicine. It can be easily said that "Neurology" is one of the branches in which medicine has made the most significant development in recent years.
Forgetfulness and diseases that cause forgetfulness (Alzheimer's, frontotemporal dementia) Epilepsy (Sara) Movement disorders (shaking hands, dyskinesia, etc.) muscle diseases Headache and all headache subtypes All cerebrovascular events (Strokes) Neuropathy (nerve pathologies) gait disorders hypoxic brain Cerebrol Pelsi