What is Albumin? Its Functions and Problems Caused by Deficiency
Albumin is a type of protein that is vital for our health. It undertakes critical tasks such as maintaining the fluid balance in our body, transporting nutrients and regulating blood pressure. Well, let's take a closer look at what exactly albumin is, what tasks it performs, and what can happen if it is deficient. Duties of Albumin
Maintaining Fluid Balance: Albumin keeps the fluid in the blood vessels balanced. This is quite important for the proper nutrition of cells and tissues. When albumin levels are low, fluid imbalances can occur, which can lead to problems such as edema (fluid accumulation in tissues).
Transportation of Nutrients: Albumin helps transport fatty acids, hormones, medications and many other substances in the bloodstream. Without sufficient albumin, the effective transport and availability of these substances in the body becomes difficult.
Regulation of Blood Pressure: Albumin helps regulate blood pressure by increasing oncotic pressure (the power of fluid retention in blood vessels). This is necessary for a healthy functioning of the circulatory system.
Albumin Deficiency and Its Consequences
Albumin deficiency can cause various health problems. The main causes of this condition include liver diseases, kidney problems and malnutrition. Dec. Low albumin levels can lead to the following problems:
Edema: Low albumin levels can cause fluid accumulation in the tissues. This leads to edema, that is, a feeling of swelling. It usually occurs on the legs, feet or abdomen.
Low Blood Pressure: Albumin deficiency can lead to a decrease in blood pressure. This can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, or fatigue.
Problems in the Absorption of Nutrients: Albumin deficiency can lead to problems in the absorption of nutrients. This can lead to weight loss, weakness and a worsening of the general state of health.
Albumin is a critical component for the healthy functioning of our body. Maintaining adequate albumin levels helps to balance many factors that affect our health. If you think that your albumin levels are low, it is important to consult with a health professional. Remember that your health comes first!